Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Reply from the Waiheke Bus Company

Hi Hans,
I have received a copy of the email you had sent to as has gone through the process so far.
The bus that you mention has arrived at Matiatia approximately fifteen minutes late on the Sat 26th Feb due to a series of events compounding each other.
The driver involved is a new driver at Waiheke Bus Company and has recently undergone four weeks of training before being able to drive a scheduled service with the last week of that training being under the supervision of the Waiheke Bus Company senior staff.
I felt that the drivers training was to a satisfactory level.
Though with the events that occurred on the morning of the 26th (being this drivers first day unsupervised) I feel that these would have delayed even some of our more efficient staff. The driver concerned was unaware that they were able to contact the ferries and ask for them to wait for the bus to arrive at Matiatia.
The driver concerned has now been instructed on this and now knows what to do if something similar should happen in the future.
I understand the possibilities of the situations that could arise from such an incident and would be happy to explain the situation for anyone that requires myself to do so (ie: employer, doctor, etc).

Chad Callander, Manager, Waiheke Bus Company, FULLERS GROUP LTD