Mr Anonymous Fullers, could yopu elaborate what fares will go up by how much? I suspect the $325 Summer 'special' monthly pass will go to $355, as planned in October (those Quickcat engines don't pay for themselves, do they?). But will the standard return go to $40?
I like when I poop and the water splashes my butt
do you also like that?
Which proves our thesis.
You write thesis's on my butt splashes, dang you are a dirty old man Hans!
I wish to stay Anonymous, but i work for Fullers, the price of tickets are about to be increased by around 12%, this will take affect in March
Mr Anonymous Fullers, could yopu elaborate what fares will go up by how much? I suspect the $325 Summer 'special' monthly pass will go to $355, as planned in October (those Quickcat engines don't pay for themselves, do they?). But will the standard return go to $40?
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