Hear-ye! Hear-ye! Hear-ye!
A public meeting has been called to discuss the solutions to the unsustainable increase in ferry fares.
Chaired by John Stansfield, Executive Director, Cleanstream Ltd.
Mike Lee from the ARC, Judith Tizard MP (Associate Transport Minister), Denise Roche, Green candidate for Auckland Central, Nikki Kaye, National candidate from Auckland Central, Jan Scott from FUG, Ray Ericson from the Community Board will all be in attendance. Fullers and ARTA have also been invited.
Public meeting 21st September, 2pm Ostend Memorial Hall
We need to ensure that Ferry Fares are sustainable for all the community. An increase of 52% over 6 years is hurting families, older people and young people. If nothing is done, Waiheke will become a place where only wealthy people can live.
We need to exert pressure to get change. One glimmer of hope is the newly passed Public Transport Management Act which empowers ARTA to get information from Fullers about its commercial operations. Pressure from our community is the only thing that can ensure that affordability becomes a criteria for our ferry route.
To be effective we need a full meeting, so come along have your say.